Japan Kampo Inc. use the personal information provided by consumers and business partners (hereinafter referred to as "customers") for various purposes, including the development of better products and services that satisfy consumers and business partners and the promotion of these products and services. Company recognises their important responsibility to properly manage and protect personal information in order to live up to the trust of those who have provided it, and in order to fulfil this responsibility, they will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the 'Personal Information Protection Act') and other relevant laws, and will strive to properly manage and protect personal information in accordance with these guidelines. Company is committed to the appropriate management and protection of personal information in accordance with these guidelines.

Japan Kampo Inc. recognises that it is an important responsibility to properly manage and protect personal information, including personal numbers and personal information containing personal numbers (hereinafter collectively referred to as 'specified personal information etc.'), and in order to fulfil this responsibility, Japan Kampo Inc. will comply with the Act on the Use of Personal Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the 'Number Act') and other relevant laws. In order to fulfil this responsibility, company will comply with the Act on the Use, etc. of Numbers (hereinafter referred to as the 'Number Act'), etc., and will strive to appropriately manage and protect specified personal information, etc. in accordance with these guidelines.

In addition, Japan Kampo Inc. may, for strategic or other business reasons, restructure their companies through the sale, acquisition, absorption or other means of business. In such cases, the disclosure and submission of personal information and specified personal information, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as 'personal information, etc.') to the transferee or potential transferee, or the receipt of personal information, etc. from the seller, may be required. In such cases, Japan Kampo Inc. will endeavour to protect Personal Information etc. appropriately.

1. Use of personal information

The Japan Kampo Inc. will only use the personal information, etc. of customers within the scope of the purpose of use notified to customers when they provide their personal information or announced on this website, and will not use it for any other purpose.

2. Appropriate management and protection of personal information, etc.

Japan Kampo Inc. implements the following measures to ensure appropriate management and protection of customers' personal information, etc.

  • The Corporate Code of Conduct "Japan Kampo Corporation Code of Business Conduct" stipulates that personal information shall be strictly managed, and that a policy for handling such information shall be established and thoroughly managed, and that confidentiality shall be maintained even after retirement.
  • Establish a promotional organization for the protection of personal information throughout Japan Kampo Corporation and appoint personal information managers in the company and in each department that holds personal information.
  • Establish a system for reporting in the event of an incident.
  • Establish internal regulations that comply with the Personal Data Protection Act, the Number Act, the Personal Data Protection Commission and the guidelines for handling personal data issued by the relevant ministries and agencies.
  • Manuals on handling methods, responsible persons, persons in charge and their duties, etc. are established for the company and each department that holds personal information, etc.
  • Employees and others are regularly educated and informed to ensure that they are aware of the importance of protecting personal information and the rules and regulations mentioned above.
  • Conducting regular self-examination of the handling of personal information, etc.
  • Ensure that matters relating to the handling of personal information are included in employment regulations.
  • Maintain a personal information control manual.
  • Implementing appropriate access controls for personal information, etc.
  • Implement appropriate and reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized external access to personal information, etc. or leakage, damage or falsification of personal information, etc.
  • Implement measures to prevent the theft or loss of equipment, electronic media and documents that process personal data.

3. Provision and disclosure to third parties

Japan Kampo Inc. will not provide or disclose customers' personal information to third parties, except in the following cases.

  • Where the customer has given their consent to the disclosure of their personal information in advance.
  • When required by law.
  • When the information is provided or disclosed to a subcontractor to the extent necessary for the implementation of the purpose of use.
  • When the information is used jointly.
  • Where personal information is provided in connection with the succession of business due to merger, demerger or transfer of business.

4. Response to requests for disclosure, correction, etc. concerning personal information, etc.

If a customer requests notification of use, disclosure, correction, etc. (correction, addition, deletion), suspension of use, etc. (suspension of use, deletion) or suspension of provision of his or her personal information to a third party, Japan Kampo Inc. will respond to the request after confirming the identity of the customer, but we will not respond if the reason is unreasonable.

5. Review and improvement of handling of personal information

Japan Kampo Inc. will review the handling of customers' personal information and other information as described above from time to time, and will work to continuously improve it for further protection of personal information and other information. Please note that these guidelines are subject to change without notice.

6. Response to enquiries and complaints about personal information, etc.

If you have any enquiries or complaints regarding the handling of your personal information, please contact us via the Enquiries. We will endeavour to deal with them appropriately and promptly.

By telephone, please contact
KAMPO Customer Centre.
Free Dial:03-5939-9120
Reception Hours:10:00~17:00 (except Sundays and public holidays)